EduCare responded to the emergency situation of Covid-19 in India. We ventured to help supply food bags to the needy, destitutes, widows, daily wage earners and underprivileged people.


During the month of May and June, we supplied food bags to 1643 families – 3 week food supply for 3-4 member family including 70 field level frontliners and 150 children. It is so gratifying to see 45 families supported this relief work and took 35 lead persons along with 100 young persons assisting in distribution. We used Roti Bank to supply one time meal for 3500 members in Mumbai.

We thank all the donors who immediately responded to our request, the distribution team reached out to the needy places overcoming all the challenges, and finally it is so fulfilling to see the faces of adults and children beamed with smiles and hope. They are surely assured that they were not forgotten or neglected and God remembered them through all our hands.


Quoting again John Maxwell, ‘Not a Single Extraordinary thing was ever accomplished by a Single Person; Achieving Extraordinary results always require an Efficient Team’. And every one who supported this effort is part of that team. Thank you!!!